July 2023 Market Trends: Optimistic Demand, Resilience & Dynamics

by | Aug 10, 2023 | International Energy Agency (IEA), OPEC, Saudi Arabia, Supply

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As one of the most authoritative and timely sources of oil market data, forecasts, and analysis, the OMR provides a comprehensive overview of key trends in oil supply, demand, inventories, prices, and refining activities worldwide. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the highlights and insights from this report to understand the factors shaping the current state of the oil market.

Global Oil Demand: A Balancing Act

One of the central themes of the report is the projection of global oil demand. The OMR estimates that global oil demand will experience a robust growth of 2.2 million barrels per day (mb/d) in 2023, reaching a historic high of 102.1 mb/d. Notably, this growth projection has been revised down by 220 kb/d due to macroeconomic headwinds impacting manufacturing activities. While China is anticipated to contribute significantly to this demand growth, with a staggering 70% share, oil consumption in OECD countries remains subdued. Looking ahead to 2024, growth is expected to slow down to 1.1 mb/d.

Oil Supply Dynamics

The dynamics of oil supply are another key aspect discussed in the report. Global oil supply saw an increase of 480 kb/d in June, reaching 101.8 mb/d. However, Saudi Arabia’s decision to implement a sharp voluntary output cut of 1 mb/d is expected to result in a significant reduction in global production for the current month. For the entirety of 2023, global production is projected to increase by 1.6 mb/d to 101.5 mb/d, with non-OPEC+ members contributing 1.9 mb/d to this growth. The report envisions a further rise in global supply for 2024, reaching a new record of 102.8 mb/d, primarily driven by non-OPEC+ production.

Refining and Margins

Refining activities and margins are also discussed in the OMR. Estimates for refinery crude throughput in 2023 and 2024 have been revised upwards, reflecting trends such as higher Russian crude runs and the commencement of new refining capacity. Despite the economic challenges, refining margins remain robust. Strong performance in Atlantic Basin gasoline cracks and substantial gains in diesel, jet fuel, and fuel oil have managed to offset weaker naphtha cracks.

The report provides insights into global oil inventories, which have experienced shifts in recent times. A notable increase of 44.2 million barrels in non-OECD countries, driven primarily by China, resulted in a global observed oil inventory rise of 19.4 million barrels in May. By contrast, OECD oil stocks saw only a marginal draw of 1.8 million barrels. Seaborne oil exports also declined due to additional OPEC+ output cuts, reaching their lowest levels since January. Preliminary data for June indicates a draw of 9.2 million barrels.

The report highlights that benchmark crude oil prices have been trading within a narrow range, with economic challenges outweighing supply cuts by OPEC+ countries. Despite additional voluntary cuts by some OPEC members and a weaker US dollar, the overall macroeconomic environment continues to cast a shadow on investor sentiment. At the time of reporting, Brent futures were trading around $78/bbl.

Analyzing the Current State

The oil market’s performance in recent times reflects a complex interplay of factors. While global oil demand is anticipated to reach new heights in 2023, economic challenges and manufacturing slumps have led to a downward revision of the growth estimate. China remains a key driver of demand growth, but OECD countries are facing sluggish demand due to industrial slowdowns. Furthermore, geopolitical decisions, such as Saudi Arabia’s voluntary output cut, have significant implications for global oil supply.

Future Outlook

As the report suggests, the oil market is poised for a period of adjustment and transformation. With global oil demand projected to continue its ascent, the market’s response to economic conditions and supply dynamics will be crucial. The trajectory of refining activities, inventory trends, and geopolitical events will all shape the future of oil prices.

In conclusion, the July 2023 IEA Oil Market Report offers a comprehensive view of the current state of the global oil market. It underscores the delicate balance between rising oil demand and economic challenges, shedding light on the factors influencing oil prices, supply, and refining activities. As the world navigates through economic uncertainties and geopolitical shifts, the oil market’s resilience and adaptability will undoubtedly remain a topic of intense scrutiny.


Flagship Report. (2023, July). Oil Market Report – July 2023. IEA. https://www.iea.org/reports/oil-market-report-july-2023

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