
Helping you to plan, diversify, and manage your investment opportunities in oil & gas.

financial planning


Financial Planning

Oil and gas investment tax preferences are among the best of any asset class – investing in real estate, stocks, and bonds simply do not provide the special and considerable tax advantages associated with direct investing in oil and gas exploration.

create a diverse portfolio


Create a Diverse Portfolio

For many qualified investors, oil and gas investing is a welcome complement to low-yielding fixed-return bonds, volatile stocks, or real estate and private equity investments that involve the use of leverage to achieve a desired return on equity.

personal wealth management


Personal Wealth Management

While oil and gas tax write-offs are great, DW focuses on financing projects that have the highest potential to deliver excellent cash returns and generate long-term passive monthly income streams for our qualified investors.

2024 is setting up to be a very profitable year for you

Good thing you are in the RIGHT PLACE!

Let’s talk about how this year can also be great for you! Schedule a Benefits of Investing in Energy Session with me by clicking the green button below.

You don’t want to miss out on the unique opportunities that we’re finding in 2024.

I’m looking forward to talking to you soon.

oklahoma oil boom services flyover
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One Size Fits One

Create a Strategy That Works For YOU

We use our expertise to partner with the best operators in the world in North Dakota, Oklahoma, and Texas. These partnerships have allowed us access to great opportunities for minerals in some of the best oil and gas fields in the world.

services 01: long-term passive income


Royalties are paid first from a well’s pre-expensed production revenue. Royalty owners typically receive 20-25% of cash flow after production taxes have been paid.

services 02: tax advantages


Royalty owners enjoy a depletion allowance which waives income taxes on the first 15% of royalty income on an annual basis.

services 03: it requires minimal technical knowledge

It Requires MINIMAL Technical Knowledge

It’s a plug-and-play system that even the least tech-savvy business owner can easily operate.

You can literally be all set up and ready to go within the 1st hour!

Some of our Partnerships Include:

dw energy group logo golden letters on black background

Greg Hillman, Vice President
Office: 214.758.0880
Mobile: 214.566.4387

greg hillman | oklahoma oil boom
a man standing in front of an oil rig

Why Qualified Investors Choose Experienced Operators

Get access to your Investment Guide today to learn more about direct participation in oil and gas exploration.

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